The Human Condition with Lisa Gregory
Lisa Gregory is an experienced journalist who throughout her career has been drawn to human interest stories. She is continually amazed and intrigued by the human condition and why we do the things we do. As a journalist, she has written for a variety of publications and her work has appeared in the Washington Post and U.S. News and World Report, as well as countless other publications, nationally and even internationally. Lisa is taking her experiences as a writer now to her very own podcast, The Human Condition with Lisa Gregory.
The Human Condition with Lisa Gregory
Keeping Up with the Joneses
Lisa Gregory / Jeffrey Podoshen
Season 2
Episode 12
From the ancient Egyptians to surprisingly even the Amish, we humans are driven by the appearance of having more and doing better than those around us. The middle class of modern day is especially drawn to the idea of keeping up or surpassing the Joneses. So, why are we so enamored with the idea of more and better? And, what impact is it having on our society? On this final episode of a three-part series exploring the research of Jeffrey Podoshen, a professor of marketing at Franklin and Marshall College, he talks about the allure of material things and the role marketing plays in convincing us that our value as human beings can be gauged by the material items we acquire. Even to our own detriment.