The Human Condition with Lisa Gregory
Lisa Gregory is an experienced journalist who throughout her career has been drawn to human interest stories. She is continually amazed and intrigued by the human condition and why we do the things we do. As a journalist, she has written for a variety of publications and her work has appeared in the Washington Post and U.S. News and World Report, as well as countless other publications, nationally and even internationally. Lisa is taking her experiences as a writer now to her very own podcast, The Human Condition with Lisa Gregory.
The Human Condition with Lisa Gregory
Healthy, By Other Means
Lisa Gregory / Vickii Engel
Season 1
Episode 7
Americans are spending over $30 billion a year on nontraditional medicine - yoga, meditation, acupuncture - according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. During the past three decades, Vickii Engel has had a front row seat to this growing acceptance and use of what would have once been called alternative medicine but is now referred to as integrative, or complementary, medicine.
Vickii is the owner and co-founder of the Center for Healing Arts, which was established in 1987 and is located in Westminster, MD. She is also the author of the book, Creating Calm: 3 Powerful Models for Navigating the Rough Seas of Midlife.